
Wambeke - Bamberg (for the Germans)

Wambeke is a hamlet located southeast of Wijtschate between Oosttaverne and the Gapaard, which can be reached via the Rue de la Rue Saint Elooi to Warneton (Neerwaasten).

  Aerial view with view on Wambeke

On October 30, 1914, parts of the group "Fabeck" and the 6th army pulled to the Wambeke where they know great opposition, at 11h15 they can occupy the east side of the Wambeke.

The Wambekemolen

Short story about the Wambekemolen, built for 1825. This was a strike mill in the hamlet of Wambeke, near the same name stream, along the stone road to Waasten, at 2.9km east of Wijtschate's church. On December 15, 1909 Braem Philippe Jules, Mills of Wijtschate, made a distance from the mill. Just before the war, Braem Jules was only the owner when he was destroyed in October 1914.

On the picture you can see the mill in full action, the horse pulls the car of the slope, the miller looks calmly in his doorway. The mouldersknecht stands at the foot, the drive belt turns around the pulley.

Info: from the Molenechos.org.

  There was also a Inn Wambeke on Wambeke.